“They say it’s easy to make an Apple Pie, but you have to create the universe first”
Standing on the shoulders of giants, I think we may have made our own Apple Pie.

We are excited to announce that our podcast “Salonomics“
is now available on the Bitcoin lightning NETWORK. Our podcast is on fire & is now censorship-resistant.
Bringing GoSalon, Bitcoin and Sovereignty to hair and beauty professionals around the globe.
Personally, this is a huge technical milestone for me as a project.
I read an article over 6 months ago about podcasting being combined with bitcoin. Easier said than done, But we did it!
It wasn’t easy, There were so many challenges to overcome.
There are multiple steps from renting a node to adapting to the lightning network to creating value for listeners. We didn’t give up.
We had to create a podcast, figure out how to produce, record, edit. Understand what makes it all tick under the hood.
I am astonished how we navigated this whole process so quickly, what with everything else going on in the world.
The goal was to get the show onto the Podcasting Index and powered by the bitcoin lightning network.
We had to figure out show format, RSS feeds & distribution. Spinx, Breez These were all new words to us. I had to teach Joe about bitcoin. (no mean feat)
Thanks to the vision of Adam Curry, podcasting 2.0 the champions at breez, sphinx chat and many other technology giants.
The process is getting easier. You to can opt into a free and open way of communicating with your audience. In a sovereign and censorship-resistant way.
This payment & podcasting system will open so many doors for creators around the globe to innovate.
Jump in and join us. You know you want to.
1. Start with downloading a lightning wallet with podcast player from Breez
2. Search the podcast player for salonomics
3. click follow
4. (Optional) send us some satoshis to let us know you are there!

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